Horia Cucu
Associate Professor
Email: [javascript protected]
Office: Room B029 Room B030 Room B042
LEU Complex
Bd. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 1-3
Sect. 6, 061071, Bucharest, Romania
Phone: [javascript protected]
Website: http://speed.pub.ro/horia-cucu
Coordinates the courses: Microcontrollers, Microprocessor Architecture, Voice Communication Interfaces with Intelligent Systems
Coordinates the laboratories: Microcontrollers, Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems, Microprocessor Architecture, Voice Communication Interfaces with Intelligent Systems
Coordinates the projects: Assistance System for Intelligent Buildings Controlled by Voice and Natural Speech, Noise-Robust, Domain-Adaptable, Large-Vocabulary Automatic Speech Recognition System for the Romanian Language
Active in the projects: A method for the differential diagnosis of meningitis by determining the cytokine profile using a rapid measurement device at point of care , Automatic Recognition System Newborn Cries, Romanian Language Phonetic Analysis: Study and Applications
DOI:10.4316/AECE.2015.01009, 2015, [Article], "Enhancing ASR Systems for Under-Resourced Languages through a Novel Unsupervised Acoustic Model Training Technique", ADVANCES IN ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING, Vol. 15, pp. 63-68, Publisher: UNIV SUCEAVA, FAC ELECTRICAL ENG, WOS:000352158600009,
10th International Conference on Communications (COMM)
, , 2014, [] -
4th International Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages (SLTU)
, None, 2014, [None] -
4th Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages (SLTU)
, , 2014, [] -
DOI:10.1016/j.specom.2013.05.003, 2014, [Article], "SMT-based ASR domain adaptation methods for under-resourced languages: Application to Romanian", SPEECH COMMUNICATION, Vol. 56, pp. 195-212, Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, WOS:000326360800016,
- PhD Degree, in Electronics and Telecommunications (Oct 2011), University “Politehnica” of Bucharest.
- Engineer Degree, in Applied Electronics (June 2008), University “Politehnica” of Bucharest.
- Bachelor Degree (June 2003), “Dr. Ioan Mesota” National College, Braşov.
Professional Experience
- Lecturer (Oct 2012 – present) at Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, University Politehnica of Bucharest. Teach Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems, Microprocessor Architectures and Spoken Language Technology. Supervised BSc, MSc and PhD projects in speech recognition and embedded systems.
- Research Engineer (Jan 2014 - present) at University Politehnica of Bucharest, in the eWALL project (research and development project funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme).
- Project Manager and Research Engineer (Oct 2013 – Jun 2014) at University Politehnica of Bucharest, in the LVCSR-ROM project (research and development project funded by the Romanian-American Foundation, Bucharest, Romania). Coordinated a team of four senior researchers. Developed several enhancement modules for the Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR) system for the Romanian language. Created a web-service which provides rich speech transcriptions for multimedia files.
- IT Consultant (Dec 2013 – Jan 2014) for Intelligent IT, Sibiu, Romania. Designed and implemented a Natural Language Processing software module for a personal assistant smartphone application (OmniBuddy).
- Implementing Expert (Jun 2013 - Sep 2013) at University Politehnica of Bucharest, in the CASIA project (FSE – European Structural Funds POS-DRU project), owner Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Romanian Academy. Coordinated and supervised 14 students for their summer internships in speech and language processing.
- Implementing Expert (Jan 2011 - Aug 2013) at University Politehnica of Bucharest, in the PROMISE project (FSE – European Structural Funds POS-DRU project), owner University Politehnica of Bucharest. Developed the teaching infrastructure for several subjects within a new Master programme (BIOSINF).
- Teaching Assistant (Oct 2008 – Oct 2012) at Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, University Politehnica of Bucharest. Teaching Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems, Microprocessor Architectures, Object-Oriented Programming and Spoken Language Technology. Supervising BSc and MSc projects in speech recognition and embedded systems.
- IT Consultant (Jan 2011 – Feb 2011) for RSM Scot, Bucharest, Romania. Designed and implemented an employees timesheet software application.
- IT Consultant (Oct 2009 – June 2010) for Grob Technologies Inc., Massachusetts, USA. Designed and implemented the server-side software application of a web-based service for social-networking tracking (What You Post).
- Research Engineer (Aug 2007 – Mar 2009) at University Politehnica of Bucharest, in the PALIROM project (research and development project funded by the Romanian Government, owner Softwin Group, Bucharest, Romania). Developed natural language resources for Romanian, implemented and tested a natural language compiler.
- Research Engineer (Aug 2007 – Mar 2009) at University Politehnica of Bucharest, in the BIOACS project (research and development project funded by the Romanian Government, owner Softwin Group, Bucharest, Romania). Collected a database of digital handwritten signatures and developed digital signal processing algorithms for handwritten signature recognition.
- Software Engineer (Jan 2006 – Jan 2009) at Ubicore Technology, Bucharest, Romania. Designed and implemented several video processing algorithms on a new massive parallel CPU, developed a distributed-computing application for highly computational tasks, developed a complete debugger tool for a new CPU architecture.
Academic Activity
All my teaching activity takes place in the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest.
Master curricula
- Spoken Language Technology, research project (2012 – present);
- Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems, laboratory (2010 – present).
Bachelor curricula
- Microprocessors Architecture, course (2012 – present) and laboratory (2008 – present);
- Microcontrollers, course (2012 – present) and laboratory (2008 – present);
- Object Oriented Programming (Java), laboratory (2010).
Teaching books
- Electronic support for “Microcontrollers” laboratory;
- Electronic support for “Spoken Language Technology” research project.
Strategic programmes
- 2013: implementing expert, project CASIA ("Support for a successful career in artificial intelligence"), FSE - European Structural Funds POS-DRU project, owner University „Politehnica” of Bucharest, ID POSDRU/109/2.1/G/81772
- 2010-2013: implementing expert, project PROMISE ("An Integrated Master’s Degree Programme in the Fields of Sound, Image and Multimedia Engineering"), FSE - European Structural Funds POS-DRU project, owner University „Politehnica” of Bucharest, ID61178.
National collaborations
- Romanian Association for Artificial Intelligence (ARIA): “HMMs: from Theory to Applications”, a 2-day hands-on workshop on some of the most well-known machine learning models used in symbol and speech recognition.
PhD student supervision
Since 2012, I was part of the PhD Supervision Commission for several PhD students:
- Andrei Purică: “Semantic Video Coding”, co-tutelle thesis between University Politehnica of Bucharest (supervisor prof. C. Burileanu) and Telecom ParisTech (supervisor prof. F. Dufaux, prof. B. Pesquet).
- Anca-Livia Radu, “Large Scale Media Analysis via Media Fusion and Crowdsourcing”, co-tutelle thesis between University Politehnica of Bucharest (supervisor prof. C. Burileanu) and University of Trento (supervisor prof. F. Giunchiglia).
Bachelor and Master student supervision
Since 2013, I supervised and coordinated over 20 students during the SpeeD “Speech&Language” Internships.
Since 2009, I co-supervised/coordinated numerous Bachelor of Science and Master of Science projects in Spoken Language Technology, Object Oriented Programming and Embedded Systems:
- Ancuţa Ardeleanu, "Speech-based gender detection and multilingual spoken term detection".
- Ioana Calangiu, "Multilingual automatic speech recognition system".
- Mihai Dogariu, "Language identification system".
- Diana Enescu, "Android telephone calls transcription and searchable history".
- Radu Harapu, "Speaker recognition web-service".
- Călin Necula, "Speech-based caller identification. Application for call centers".
- Alexandru Şerban, "Radio broadcast news transcription web-service".
- Mihai Cătălin Safta, “Spoken Term Detection for Romanian Language”, SpeeD, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.
- Sorin Duţulescu, “Management application for Internet Service Providers (ISP)”, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.
- Alexandra Jica, “Topic-Based Language Model Adaptation for Automatic Speech Recognition”, SpeeD, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.
- Adrian Liţă, “Multi-Processor 6-Propeller Tridimensional Flying Apparatus”, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.
- Florin Matei, “Home Automation System Using Speech Recognition on an Embedded Platform”, SpeeD, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.
- Cătălin Stănculescu, “Continuous Speech Recognition Agent for Mobile Devices”, SpeeD, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.
- Iulia Stănoiu, “Noisy Speech Enhancement in Automatic Speech Recognition for Romanian Language”, SpeeD, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.
- Vanessa Voinic, “Continuous Speech Recognition in Romanian Language for Medical Applications”, SpeeD, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.
- Daria Ion, “Speaker-dependent speech recognition: An in-depth analysis of speech features”, SpeeD, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.
- Aniela Milea, “Time-domain analysis and compression methods applied to the speech signal”, SpeeD, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.
- Radu-Mihai Pană-Tălpeanu, “Language models in speaker-dependent speech recognition”, SpeeD, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.
- Tudor Mihailescu, Ioana Rolea, “Speaker recognition systems”, SpeeD, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania. Adina Popa, Diana Uzum, “Speaker-dependent speech recognition”, SpeeD, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.