Gheorghe M. Ştefan
Emeritus Professor
Email: [javascript protected]
Office: Room A420
LEU Complex
Bd. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 1-3
Sect. 6, 061071, Bucharest, Romania
Phone: [javascript protected]
Website: http://users.dcae.pub.ro/~gstefan/
Coordinates: Mihai Antonescu, George Vlăduț Popescu, Costin-Emanuel Vasile
Coordinates the courses: Advanced Digital Design, Digital Integrated Circuits, Functional Electronics
Active in the projects: HORIZONT KDT 101112274 ISOLDE
DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-51052-1_1, 2017, [Article; Book Chapter], "MapReduce: From Elementary Circuits to Cloud", UNCERTAINTY MODELING: DEDICATED TO PROFESSOR BORIS KOVALERCHUK ON HIS ANNIVERSARY, Vol. 683, pp. 1-14, Publisher: SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, WOS:000416554900002,
DOI:10.1109/MCSI.2016.37, 2016, [Proceedings Paper], "Functional Virtual Prototyping Environment for a Family of Map-Reduce Embedded Accelerators", PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SCIENCES AND IN INDUSTRY (MCSI 2016), pp. 155-160, Publisher: IEEE, WOS:000404434600026,
Functional Virtual Prototyping Environment for a Family of Map-Reduce Embedded Accelerators",, "
MCSI2016 - Chania
, pp. 261-265, None, 2016, [None]
, "Energy-Efficient WSN Architecture for Illegal Deforestation Detection", International Journal of Sensors and Sensor Networks, Volume 3, Issue 3, , pp. 24-30, Publisher: Science Publishing Group, None, 2015, [None]
From Kleene's Model to the Parallel Abstract Machine",, "
DACS 2015, Bucuresti, June, 2015
, None, 2015, [None] -
ICTEI 2015, Chisinau, May, 2015
, None, 2015, [None] -
BARC 2015
, None, 2015, [None] -
ICAT 2015
, None, 2015, [None]
, "Arhitectura emergenței", Academica, Issue 3, March, 2014, , pp. 49-53, None, 2014, [None]
18th International Conference on Ciruits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC 2014), Santorini Island, Greece, July 17-21, 2014
, pp. 582-597, None, 2014, [None] -
, "MapReduce - an Integrative Paradigm in Cyber-Physical Systems",
Proceedings of The Third International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems, May 2014
, None, 2014, [None] -
, "Structural-fenomenologia lui Mihai Drăgănescu", Lettre Internationale, Issue 89, 2014, , pp. 82-85, None, 2014, [None]
Transpose-MapReduce Applications on Connex Architecture", ROMJIST, Volume 17, Issue 2, 2014, , pp. 150–176, None, 2014, [None], "
, "Formă și fenomen în muzică", Lettre Internationale, Issue 88, 2013, , pp. 40-42, None, 2013, [None]
Maximizing the SIMD Behavior in SPMD Engines",, "
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2013 Vol I WCECS 2013, 23-25 October, 2013, San Francisco, USA
, pp. 156-161, None, 2013, [None] -
, "Mintea de copil a lui Turing ", Lettre Internationale, Issue 86, 2013, , pp. 44-47., None, 2013, [None]
Architectural Principles for One-Chip Parallel Computer",, "
Recent Advances in Information Science. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference of Computer Science, Paris, France, December 2-4, 2012
, pp. 143-148., None, 2012, [None] -
, "Cine se teme de Victoria Welby?", Lettre Internationale, Issue 83, 2012, , pp. 53-56, None, 2012, [None]
, "Cyber-Physical Society - iDemocracy", Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, Volume14, Issue 3, , pp. 54-60 , None, 2012, [None]
, "Integral Humanism and Its Challenges", Mihai Spariosu & Jörn Rüsen (Ed.), Exploring Humanity – Intercultural Perspectives on Humanism, , pp. 217-226, Publisher: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, None, 2012, [None]
, "Don Giovanni sau umbrele iluminismului", Curtea de Arges, Volume II, issue 8, , None, 2011, [None]
, "Informația fenomenologică și filosofia profunzimilor la început de mileniu", Academica, Volume XXI, Issues 4-5, , None, 2011, [None]
Proceedings of International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling & Simulation (ACTMOS'11), Spain
, pp. 387-391, None, 2011, [None] -
Parallel RISC Architecture. A Functional Approach Based on Backus's FP language",, "
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, Las Vegas, 2011
, pp. 492-498, None, 2011, [None]
, "Integral Humanism Conference on Intercultural Humanism, Oxford, 9-12 September 2010",
Conference on Intercultural Humanism, Oxford, 9-12 September 2010
, None, 2010, [None] -
CAS 2010 Proceedings, vol.1
, pp. 35-42, None, 2010, [None] -
, "Integral Parallel Architecture in System-on-Chip Designs",
The 6th International Workshop on Unique Chips and Systems, Atlanta, GA, USA, December 4, 2010
, pp. 23-26, None, 2010, [None] -
Many-Processor & Kleene's Model", Scientific Buletin of UPB, serie C, Volume 5, Issue 3, , pp. 199-212, None, 2010, [None], "
International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems, Gliwice, Poland, Sept. 2010.
, None, 2010, [None] -
, "One-Chip TeraArchitecture",
Proceedings of the 8th Applications and Principles of Information Science Conference, Okinawa, Japan on 11-12 January 2009.
, None, 2009, [None]
Academic Activity
"If you get a letter of recommendation that counts number of publications, rather than commenting substantively on a candidate's contributions, ignore it."
"Under the current funding regime, is it possible to obtain support for long-term basic research with little apparent prospect of practical applications? ... Now only safe, incremental "normal science" (Thomas Kuhn) is funded and published, not paradigm shifts. Creativity is slaughtered. ... We are clearly going in the wrong direction now in some societies where creativity is micromanaged by gigantic bureaucracies."
"In between writing grand proposals describing what I intend to do, and writing reports about what I have done, there in no time left to actually do anything!"
The following technical & scientific subjects haunted me in the last few decades:
- Integral Parallel Computation
- Parallel I/O System
- The Supra-Linear Condition for Parallel Computation
- The Algorithmic Complexity & Digital Circuits
- 0-State Universal Turing Machine
- The Connex Project
- Lisp Machine
- Functional Information
- Loops & Recursive Functions
- Loops & Formal Languages
- Loop Based Taxonomy for Digital Systems
- Virtual Multi-Processor
Meantime, anxious about non technical matters, I wrote the following texts:
- Ethos - Pathos - Logos.
- Limite care deschid. Eseuri despre o lume avidă de înțelesuri și copleșită de complexitate (Opening Limits. Essays about a world hungry of meanings and oppressed by complexity), a collection of texts published in the last few decades (in Romanian).
- Structural-Phenomenoligical Modeling papers in Noesis
- "Profunzimile Existentei" in filosofia secolului XX a text that might explain why this sub-section of the webpage exists.
- "Integral Humanism" in Intercultural Humanism Challenges, Experiences, Visions, Strategies, Oxford, 9-12 September 2010.
Personal Notes
The following political problems harassed me in my short political involvement as member of Petre Roman Government 2:
- Educational Reform: my unsuccessful fight with the conservative reform of the Romanian society in 1990-1991
My civic involvement is a sequel of my short politic adventure. Resulted some sporadic actions and opinions referring to the (too) perennial Romanian problems:
- iDemocracy project (paper) is going now toward iConsensus project (the first document, prepared with Mihai Spăriosu, is comming soon. Meantime see this: SYNC).
- How to make the most appropriate distinction between instruction, training and education in the Romanian educational policy. See an uneducated opinion in: "Învățământul la orizontul 2020" published in România 2020, Ed. Compres, 1998.
- Do we expect the professional ethos to trigger improvement in our society? A preliminary answer in the short inaugural statement drafted as board member of IPID (Institutul de Proiecte pentru Inovație și Dezvoltare): "Dezvoltare Integrativă & Ethos Profesional"
- In order to increase the chance of the young inventors to promote their ideas I co-initiated and I'm supporting I-CUBE as member in the advisory board.