Cristian Ravariu
Email: [javascript protected]
Office: Room B108
LEU Complex
Bd. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 1-3
Sect. 6, 061071, Bucharest, Romania
Phone: [javascript protected]
Coordinates the courses: Biodevices and Nano-Electronics of Cells, Biosenzori electronici integrati de tip Bio-FET, Dispozitive electronice in tehnologii nanometrice, Electronica Organica, Electronic Devices
Coordinates the projects: Demonstrator Fabrication in Planar Technology of a Tunneling Transistor through Ultra-thin Insulators - A Promotor of a Nanodevices Series and Industrial Usefulness Emphasis, Thin Film Nano-Transistors Implemented by Nanotechnologies and Organic Technologies at Room Temperature
Active in the projects: A method for the differential diagnosis of meningitis by determining the cytokine profile using a rapid measurement device at point of care
DOI:10.1109/TNANO.2017.2764802, 2017, [Article], "Gate Swing Improving for the Nothing on Insulator Transistor in Weak Tunneling", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY, Vol. 16, pp. 1115-1121, Publisher: IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, WOS:000415707200029,
DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.12.099, 2017, [Article], "Masks and metallic electrodes compounds for silicon biosensor integration", JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, Vol. 697, pp. 72-79, Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, WOS:000391820800012,
Masks and metallic electrodes compounds for silicon biosensor integration", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, volume 697, , pp. 72–79, Publisher: Elsevier, None, 2017, [None], "
DOI:10.1016/j.protcy.2016.01.163, 2016, [Proceedings Paper], "Bio and Micro-Electronics eLearning by online Collaborative Support", 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE INTERDISCIPLINARITY IN ENGINEERING, INTER-ENG 2015, Vol. 22, pp. 1160-1168, Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, WOS:000383949300162,
DOI:10.1109/TED.2016.2580180, 2016, [Article], "Deeper Insights of the Conduction Mechanisms in a Vacuum SOI Nanotransistor", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, Vol. 63, pp. 3278-3283, Publisher: IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, WOS:000380324600044,
, "Deeper Insights of the Conduction Mechanisms in a Vacuum SOI Nanotransistor", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 63, no. 8, 2016, , pp. pp. 3278 - 3283, Publisher: IEEE, None, 2016, [None]
Micro-Technological Steps During the Fabrication of an AcHE Biosensor Designated to the Environment Monitoring", American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, vol. 3, issue 3-1, , pp. 1-6, Publisher: SciencePG, None, 2015, [None], "
Non-polluting medical technology for environment and patient used in inflammatory diseases monitoring", Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, vol. 14, no. 4, ISSN: 1582-9596, IF=1, , pp. 763-768, Publisher: ISI Thomson, None, 2015, [None], "
DOI:10.1109/TVLSI.2013.2278474, 2014, [Article], "Compact NOI Nanodevice Simulation", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS, Vol. 22, pp. 1841-1844, Publisher: IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, WOS:000341564700015,
Manufacturing of Capacitive Electrodes on Si-substrate for Electrophysiological Applications", 2014 INTERNATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CONFERENCE (CAS), pp. 151-154, Publisher: IEEE , WOS:000380488300029, 2014, [Conference], "
, "Compact NOI Nano-Device Simulation", IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, , pp. 1841 - 1844, None, 2014, [None]
International Conference - New Trends on Sensing- Monitoring- Telediagnosis for Life Sciences- NT-SMT-LS
, pp. 144, Publisher: Lux Libris Publishing House, None, 2014, [None] -
International Conference - New Trends on Sensing- Monitoring-Telediagnosis for Life Sciences- NT-SMT-LS, organised by Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, July 24-26, 2014;
, pp. 33, Publisher: Lux Libris Publishing House, None, 2014, [None] -
9th International Workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility, CEM14, 3 – 5 Sept. 2014, Timişoara - Romania
, Publisher: CEM, None, 2014, [None] -
International Conference - New Trends on Sensing- Monitoring-Telediagnosis for Life Sciences- NT-SMT-LS
, pp. 32, Publisher: Lux Libris Publishing House, None, 2014, [None] -
Remote Measurements of the Gastric Electrical Signals - Between Theory and Practice",, "
11-th Internat. IEEE Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, Porto, Portugal, 26-28 Feb 2014, contrib. no. 97, Proceedings
, pp. 281-284, Publisher: IEEE, None, 2014, [None] -
The sensitivity in the IR spectrum of the intact and pathological tissues by laser bio-photometry", Laser in Medical Science Springer Journal, , pp. 581-588, Publisher: Springer, None, 2014, [None], "
DOI:10.1007/s10103-013-1358-6, 2014, [Article], "The sensitivity in the IR spectrum of the intact and pathological tissues by laser biophotometry", LASERS IN MEDICAL SCIENCE, Vol. 29, pp. 581-588, Publisher: SPRINGER LONDON LTD, WOS:000333051700024,
, "Semiconductor Materials Optimization for A TFET Device with Nothing Region On Insulator", IEEE Transaction on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 26, issue 3, , pp. 406-413, Publisher: IEEE , None, 2013, [None]
, "The residual doping concentration estimation in a SIMOX film using current measurements", IET Science Measurement & Technology Journal, vol. 7, issue 1, , pp. 1-6, Publisher: IET, None, 2013, [None]
DOI:10.1049/iet-smt.2012.0052, 2013, [Article], "Residual doping concentration estimation in a separation by IMplanted OXygen film using current measurements", IET SCIENCE MEASUREMENT & TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 7, pp. 1-6, Publisher: INST ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY-IET, WOS:000321011200001,
DOI:10.1109/TSM.2013.2258411, 2013, [Article; Proceedings Paper], "Semiconductor Materials Optimization for a TFET Device With Central Nothing Region on Insulator", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING, Vol. 26, pp. 406-413, Publisher: IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, WOS:000322720700023,
DOI:10.1155/2011/792759, 2011, [Article], "Modeling and Simulation of Special Shaped SOI Materials for the Nanodevices Implementation", JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS, Publisher: HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORP, WOS:000295671700001,
DOI:10.1016/j.simpat.2010.05.002, 2010, [Article], "The implementation methodology of the real effects in a NOI nanostructure, aided by simulation and modelling", SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY, Vol. 18, pp. 1274-1285, Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, WOS:000280689500008,
DOI:10.1109/ICALT.2008.42, 2008, [Proceedings Paper], "The feed-back from a Biodevices and Cellular Nano-Electronics course learned in an electrical engineering faculty", 8TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES, PROCEEDINGS, pp. 882-883, Publisher: IEEE COMPUTER SOC, WOS:000257822100246,
1 Oct 2013–prezent Profesor Universitar Doctor Inginer
Universitatea Politehnica Bucureşti, Facultatea de Electronică Telecomunicaţii şi Tehnologia Informaţiei
Splaiul Independetei 313, 060042 Bucuresti (România)
1 Oct 2005–30 Sept 2013 Conferentiar Universitar Doctor Inginer
Universitatea Politehnica Bucureşti, Facultatea de Electronică Telecomunicaţii şi Tehnologia Informaţiei, Bucureşti (România)
1 Ian 2002–30 Sept 2005 Sef lucrari Doctor Inginer
Universitatea Politehnica Bucureşti, Facultatea de Electronică Telecomunicaţii şi Tehnologia Informaţiei, Bucureşti (România)
1 Iul 2001–31 Dec 2001 Asistent Universitar Doctor Inginer
Universitatea Politehnica Bucureşti, Facultatea de Electronică Telecomunicaţii şi Tehnologia Informaţiei, Bucureşti (România)
1 Mar 1999–1 Iul 2001 Asistent Universitar Inginer
Universitatea Politehnica Bucureşti, Facultatea de Electronică Telecomunicaţii şi Tehnologia Informaţiei, Bucureşti (România)
1 Apr 1996–28 Feb 1999 Cercetator stiintific
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Microtehnologie
Str. Erou Iancu Nicolae nr. 22A RO-030012 Bucuresti (România) www.imt.ro
30 Ian 1994–1 Sept 1993 Asistent Inginer
Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Microtehnologie IMT, Bucureşti (Romania)
Professional Experience
I. Proiecte câştigate la care Cristian Ravariu a fost director de proiect
I.1. Modelarea conducţiei prin tranzistoare SOI-MOSFET cu profile uniforme şi neuniforme ale concentraţiei de impurităţi în film, Grant T, TEMA A.56, Contract nr. 6111/2000, 2 ani, volum finanţare: 50 000 000 ROL, finanţatorul - A.N.S.T.I, derulare 2000-2001.
Rezultate şi articole publicate:
I.1.1. Rezultatul principal este obţinerea de modele analitice mult mai precise, în cazul dopării neuniforme a filmelor de Siliciu pe Izolator, faţă de cazul clasic al dopării uniforme.
I.1.2. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Ravariu, D. Dobrescu, L. Dobrescu. The Threshold voltage model of a SOI-MOSFET on films with gaussian profile, IEEE Int. Conf. Proceedings, ICCDCS, Mexic, Cancun, p.454-457, 2000, indexare IEEE.
I.1.3. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, A. Rusu, D. Dobrescu, L. Dobrescu. A pseudo-MOS/SOI transistor with two inversion channels, IEEE Int. Conf. 9-th EPE-PEMC, Kosice, Slovakia, Proceedings, vol.3-7, p.216-221, 2000.
I.1.4. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu. The Inversion Onset at the MOS/SOI Capacitor with Uniform and Non-uniform Impurities Distributions in the Film, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, ISSN 1453-8245, Vol. 3, No. 2, p.143-156, 2000, indexata ISI ulterior.
I.1.5. L. Dobrescu, M. Petrov, D. Dobrescu, C. Ravariu. Threshold voltage extraction methods for MOS transistors, IEEE Int. Conf. Proc, CAS, Romania, Sinaia, p.371-374, 2000, indexare ISI şi IEEE.
I.2. Dispozitive MOS cu poartă mobilă pentru circuite de Telecomunicaţii, Grant At cu Tema nr. 21, cod 114, finanţator CNCSIS, volum finanţare 86 000 000 ROL, derulare 2002-2004. Rezultate şi articole publicate:
I.2.1. S-a realizat modelarea-simularea şi proiectarea unui tranzistor MOS cu poartă suspendată, SG-MOSFET, atât din punct de vedere electric, cât şi din punct de vedere mecanic.
I.2.2. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, A. Rusu, D. Dobrescu, L. Dobrescu, C. Popa, I. Chiran. A New Job for the Pseudo-MOS Transistor: Working in the Pressure Sensors Field, IEEE 9th IEEE Int. Conf. Electronics, Circuits and Systems ICECS, Sept., pp. 215-218, Croatia, Dubrovnik, 2002, indexare ISI.
I.2.3. L. Dobrescu, D. Dobrescu, A. Rusu, C. Ravariu. Mechanical influences on mobile gate MOS capacitors electrical characteristics, The 23rd Int. Conf. on Microelectronics, MIEL, Nis, Serbia, pp. 227-230, 2002, indexare ISI.
I.2.4. C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, A. Rusu, D. Dobrescu, L. Dobrescu, I. Chiran, Exacts solutions of the Poisson’s equations in pseudo-MOS/SOI transistors, IEEE Int. Conf. Proceedings, Sinaia, Romania CAS 2002, pp.249-252, indexare ISI.
I.2.5. C. Baditoiu, C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, The Dynamic Behavior of the Junction’s Termination With Field Electrode and SIPOS Layer, UPB, Scientific Bulletin, ISSN 1454-234X, Series C, vol. 64, no.4, pp.53-62, 2004.
I.3. Sisteme de caracterizare electrică nedistructivă pentru materiale SOI nanostructurate, Grant A, Tema nr. 25, Cod 63, finanţator CNCSIS, volum finanţare: 98 900 RON, derulare 2006-2007. Rezultate şi articole publicate:
I.3.1. Rezultatele au constat în seturi de modele analitice şi experimentale pentru plachete SOI cu grosimi ale filmului semiconductor sub 200nm şi ale oxidului îngropat sub 400nm.
I.3.2. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Ravariu. Interface electric charge modeling and characterization with <delta> distribution generator strings in thin SOI films, Microelectronics Elsevier Journal, vol.37, nr.3, pp.943-947, 2006.
I.3.3. C. Ravariu. An ultimate stage of the ultra-thin SOI-MOSFETs: the Nothing On Insulator Nano-transistor, ROMJIST Journal of the Romanian Academy Section for Information Science and Technology, vol.9, nr. 1, pp. 29-41, 2006.
I.3.4. C. Ravariu, F. Babarada. A. Rusu, More accurate models of the interfaces oxide ultra-thin SOI films, Conference Proceedings from American Institute of Physics, AIP auspices, ISSN 0094-243X, coden APCPCS, April, 10, vol. 893, pp.3-4, 2007.
I.3.5. C. Ravariu, G. Alecu. The experimental estimation of the illumination generation rate in a nano-SOI film, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 8, nr. 2, pp.593-596, April. 2006.
I.3.6. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Udrea, F. Ravariu. Simulation results of some Diamond On Insulator nano-MISFETs, Diamond and Related Materials Elsevier Journal, vol.15, nr.2, pp.777-782, 2006.
I.3.7. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Babarada, F. Ravariu. Discrepancies of the flat-band voltage models revealed by simulations in sub-50nm SOI films, 15th IASTED Conference of Applied Simulation and Modelling ASM 2006, Rhodes, Greeece, pp. 141-144, indexare ISI.
I.3.8. F. Babarada, M. Profirescu, C. Ravariu, O. Profirescu, E. Manea, N. Dumbrăvescu, C. Dunare, U. Dumitru. MOSFET Modelling Including Second Order Effects for Distortion Analysis, 15th IASTED Conference of Applied Simulation and Modelling ASM 2006, Rhodes, Greeece, pp. 506-510.
I.3.9. C. Ravariu, A. Rusu, F. Ravariu, D. Dobrescu, From pseudo-MOS transistor to a SOI-MOSFET with a nano-cavity, 6th EUROSIM congress on Simulation and Modelling 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Proceedings with Editors: Borut Zupancic, Rihard Karba, Saso Blazic, vol.2, pp.251.1-251.6.
I.4. Tranzistoare BioFET pentru bioanalize personalizate şi estimări funcţionale celulare, Contract nr. 12-095/ 01.10.2008, (BioFET), Programul Proiecte Complexe PNII Parteneriate, comisia 1 (Tehnologia informaţiei şi comunicaţii), finanţator UEFISCDI, volum finanţare per proiect: 810 582 RON, Derulare: 01.10.2008 – 30.09.2011. Rezultate şi articole publicate:
I.4.1. Rezultatul central constă în simularea, proiectarea şi fabricarea în una iteraţie completă a unui tranzistor cu material biologic imobilizat în regiunea porţii.
I.4.2. Alte rezultate palpabile au constat în proiectarea-realizarea unei platforme de înregistrare a biosemnalelor, imagistică celulară şi caracterizare celuară prin microscopia confocală şi AFM.
I.4.3. Cristian Ravariu. Biodispozitive electronice: de la nanostructuri la aplicaţii medicale, carte la Editura Politehnica Press, Bucureşti, 2010, 232 pagini, ulterior premiată.
I.4.4. C. Ravariu, F. Babarada. Modeling and simulation of special shaped SOI materials for the nanodevices implementation, Journal of Nanomaterials - Hindawi, vol. 2011, Article ID 792759, 11 pages, July 2011.
I.4.5. C. Ravariu, E. Manea, C. Parvulescu, F. Babarada, A. Popescu. Titanium dioxide nanotubes on silicon wafer designated for GOX enzymes immobilization, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, vol. 6, no 2, pp. 703 - 707, April - June 2011.
I.4.6. C. Ravariu, F. Babarada, E. Manea, A. Popescu. The electrodes geometry design and global simulations for an ENFET gluco-detector, 8-th IASTED International Conference Biomedical Engineering BioMED, 16-18 Feb 2011, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 429-432.
I.5. Tehnologie neinvazivă de caracterizare funcţională a masei beta celulare cu biodispozitive electronice neconventionale, Contract nr. 62-063/ 01.10.2008, (ElectroCel), Programul Proiecte Complexe PNII Parteneriate, comisia 6 (Biotehnologii), finanţator UEFISCDI, volum finanţare per proiect: 803 149 RON, Derulare: 01.10.2008 – 30.09.2011. Rezultate şi articole publicate:
I.5.1. Rezultatul principal a constat în proiectarea-realizarea unui electrograf pancreatic, bazat pe un sistem automat de achiziţie de date, ce înregistrează neinvaziv semnalul electric emis de pancreas sub incidenţa unui stimul glicemic maximal şi primele seturi de teste pe pacienţi.
I.5.2. Alte rezultate palpabile au constat în proiectarea-realizarea unor electrozi capacitivi cutanaţi, de arie mare, sistem de ecranare electromagnetică, caracterizări ale ţesuturilor in vivo prin metoda laser biofotometriei.
I.5.3. Cristian Ravariu. Contributions to novel methods in electrophysiology aided by electronics devices and circuits, Chapter 6 in Book: Applied Biomedical Engineering, pp. 123-140, ISBN 978-953-307-256-2, 500 pages, InTech publisher Austria-Croatia, by Gaetano D. Gargiulo, Co-editor: Alistair McEwan; August 2011.
I.5.4. Cristian Ravariu and Ala Bondarciuc. The sensitivity in the IR spectrum of the intact and pathological tissues by laser bio-photometry, Laser in Medical Science, Springer Journal, 2013, DOI 10.1007/s10103-013-1358-6, ISSN: 0268-8921, FI=2.003/2011, Accepted: 28 May 2013, available as Early Access Papers, indexed in: Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, PubMed/Medline, SCOPUS, INSPEC, EMBASE, Google Scholar, EBSCO, CSA, Academic OneFile, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS, Current Abstracts.
I.5.5. C. Ravariu, L. G. Alecu, A. Bondarciuc, F. Babarada. Advanced SOI semiconductor structures for micro-dose biological samples handling, ISI Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications JOAM-RC, vol. 4, nr. 9, pp. 1375-1378, Sept. 2010.
I.5.6. C. Ravariu, C.I. Tirgoviste, O. Dumitrache. The modeling of the insulin exocytosys after a glycemic stimulus, code 723-088, 8-th IASTED Int. Conf. Biomedical Engineering BioMED, 16-18 Feb 2011, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 188-191, indexat in Australian Res. Counc. A.
I.5.7. F. Babarada, C. Ravariu, J. Arhip. Electrophysiological Data Processing Using a Dynamic Range Compressor Coupled to a Ten Bits A/D Convertion Port, in Proceedings IEEE-CCP, Lisa OConner Editor, Conference Publishing Services CPS, 2011 Nov, pp. 257-262, ISBN 978-0-7695-4528-8.
Academic Activity
- Predare curs la disciplinele:
• Dispozitive Electronice, an II -licenţă, Facultatea de Electronică ETTI, (2012-prezent);
• Dispositifs et circuits électroniques 1, Facultatea de Inginerie în Limbi Straine FILS, filiera franceză, (2005-prezent);
• Dispositifs et circuits électroniques 2, Facultatea de Inginerie în Limbi Străine FILS, filiera franceză, (2005-2007);
• Biodispozitive şi NanoElectronică Celulară, an II –Master Microsisteme, Facultatea de Electronică ETTI, (2006-prezent);
• Modele Spice, an II -licenţă, Facultatea de Electronică ETTI, (2005-prezent).
- Sustinere Teza de Abilitare (raportata si activitate IEEE SSCS), autor: Cristian Ravariu, cu titlul: Contribuţii în domeniul Micro-, Nano- şi Bio-Electronicii, A101, Leu, Bucuresti, 12-14 pe 14 martie 2014.
- Din Oct 2014 devine conducator de doctorat in UPB.
Personal Notes
Ris - Reviste ISI
Ris.1. Cristian Ravariu, Ala Bondarciuc. The sensitivity in the IR spectrum of the intact and pathological tissues by laser bio-photometry, Laser in Medical Science, Springer Journal, March 2014, Volume 29, Issue 2, pp 581-588. DOI 10.1007/s10103-013-1358-6, ISSN: 0268-8921, FI_afisat_jurnal_in_Aug.2013=2.003, Accepted: 28 May 2013, indexeata in: ISI, Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), PubMed/MEDLINE, SCOPUS, INSPEC, EMBASE, Google Scholar, EBSCO, CSA, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, EMCare, Gale, Health Reference Center Academic. WOS:000333051700024, IDS Number: AD2GH.
Ris.2. C. Ravariu. A Compact NOI Nano-Device Simulation. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 22, issue 8, Aug 2014, Page(s):1841 - 1844 , ISSN :1063-8210 , DOI:10.1109/TVLSI.2013.2278474, IF_2014=1.22, indexed ISI and IEEE, WOS:000341564700015, IDS Number: AO7WZ.
Conferinte ISI, IEEE sau BDI in 2014
1. C. Ravariu, D. Ursutiu, F. Babarada, J. Arhip, S. S. Arama, G. Radulian, C. Samoila. Remote Measurements of the Gastric Electrical Signals - Between Theory and Practice, 11-th Internat. IEEE Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, Porto, Portugal, 26-28 Feb 2014, contrib. no. 97, Proceedings pp. 281-284, 978-1-4799-2025-9/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE, indexed IEEE.
2. C. Ravariu, F. Babarada, E. Manea, C. Parvulescu, I. Rusu, I. Enache, M. Cristea, J. Arhip. Manufacturing of Capacitive Electrodes on Si-substrate for Electrophysiological Applications, 37-th IEEE International Annual Conference of Semiconductors, 13-15 Oct, 2014, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 151, CAS2014.
3. Laura Georgeta Alecu, Cristian Ravariu, Mihai Laurentiu Vladoianu, Mihai Idu. Interaction with radiations of the electron devices and circuits working in telecommunication, 9th International Workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility, CEM14, 3 – 5 Sept. 2014, Timişoara - Romania.
4. C. Ravariu, M. Gherasim, A. Glavan, B. Robu, M. Badea, M. Chitu, Integrated biosensors using active electronic devices, International Conference - New Trends on Sensing- Monitoring-Telediagnosis for Life Sciences- NT-SMT-LS, organised by Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, during July 24-26, 2014.
5. Cristian Ravariu. SOI devices - new challenges for Nano-Electronics, Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Information Technology WCSIT, Invited presentation, Iasi, IDEO Bussines Center, 3-4 July 2014, organizer - Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi.
Prpoiecte cercetare 2014.
Propunere de proiect international HORIZONT2020, UPB-coordonator, Cristian Ravariu - Dir Proiect, Integrated Bio-Materials On Silicon Dedicated to Biosensors, BioMOSI, proposal submitted on: 10 March 2014 at 23:46:37 (Brussels Local Time) as part of the H2020-PHC-2014-two-stage call, before the deadline of 11 March 2014 at 17:00:00 (Brussels Local Time). Nu a castigat finantare.
Ris.1. Cristian Ravariu. Semiconductor Materials Optimization for A TFET Device with Nothing Region On Insulator, IEEE Transaction on Semiconductor Manufacturing Journal, vol. 26, issue 3, pp. 406-413, Aug. 2013, Manuscript ID TSM-12-0072, Accepted: Apr. 2013, DOI: 10.1109/TSM.2013.2258411, FI_afisat_jurnal_in_Aug.2013=0.822, Scor Influenta_Ian.2012=0.98, ISSN: 0894-6507, indexat ISI.
Ris.2. C. Ravariu. The residual doping concentration estimation in a SIMOX film using current measurements, IET Science Measurement & Technology Journal, vol. 7, issue 1, Jan 2013, pp. 1-6, ISSN 1751-8822, DOI:10.1049/iet-smt.2012.0052, Scor_Influenta_Ian.2012=0.57, FI_afisat_in_2014=1, indexat ISI si IET Digital Lib, Web of Science Categories: Engineering, Electrical & Electronic, IDS Number: 172NP, WOS:000321011200001.
Ris.3. Florin Babarada, Cristian Ravariu, Integrated Environment for Active and Collaborative e-Learning in Micro- and Bio- Electronics, Wulfenia Journal, ISSN: 1561-882X, Impact Factor: 0.267, Vol 20, No. 9, Sep 2013, pp. 51-68, Indexed in ISI Science Citation Index Expanded, BIOSIS Previews.