Ixia FPGA Summer School 2017
The DCAE department and Ixia will organize summer courses on digital circuit design for FPGA. The course is free for all students.
Location: DCAE Laboratory, Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, Bucharest
Course Timeline
- May 16th – June 17th: Applications and Selection Process
- July 3rd – July 14th: Courses and Training (20h/week)
- July 14th – 28th: Individual Projects
In order to sign-up, e-mail your CV to lucian.petrica@upb.ro with the subject "FPGA".
It is mandatory to have at least basic knowledge of the following:
- Digital Circuits Design (e.g. CID-Circuite Integrate Digitale)
- Verilog / VHDL
Published on May 17, 2017, 23:31.